JLL Offices – London 仲量联行办公室 - 伦敦

Jan 6, 2023
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Flexible, agile, and sustainable define the new offices for JLL, a design that fully integrates the values of the global commercial real estate services company for their location in London.
Tétris paired natural light with a clean, biophilic design for the JLL offices in London, England.
俄罗斯方块 将自然光与干净、亲自然的设计相结合,用于 JLL 位于英国伦敦的办公室。
JLL wanted a collaborative, sustainable, inclusive, health-led, tech-smart, energy-efficient, agile and flexible workplace for a 5 year lease (simultaneously targeting WELL Platinum, SKA Gold, BREEAM Excellent). Circular economy principles, embodied carbon reduction, and a focus on wellbeing were critical requirements. The project had to be an exemplar for both JLL’s people and clients, and meet JLL’s targets for their Net Zero Carbon 2025 milestone.JLL 想要一个协作、可持续、包容、以健康为主导、技术智能、节能、敏捷和灵活的工作场所,租期为 5 年(同时目标是 WELL 白金、SKA 金牌、BREEAM 优秀)。 循环经济原则、体现的碳减排和对福祉的关注是关键要求。 该项目必须成为仲量联行员工和客户的典范,并达到仲量联行 2025 年净零碳里程碑的目标。We designed and built a workplace for flexibility through a design focused on agility, collaboration, creativity and community. The workplace is an inclusive one, catering to different faiths, physical abilities, gender identities and neurodiversities, among others. Inclusive elements include darker study booths, quiet zones, intuitive spatial arrangements, demarcation of zones using colours and different surfaces for ease of navigation, a multi-faith room, and parent’s room.我们通过专注于敏捷性、协作、创造力和社区的设计来设计和建造一个灵活的工作场所。 工作场所是一个包容性的场所,迎合不同的信仰、身体能力、性别认同和神经多样性等。 包容性元素包括较暗的学习室、安静区域、直观的空间安排、使用颜色和不同表面划分区域以便于导航、多信仰室和家长室。The design is innovative and incorporates smart technology with 229 sensors to monitor occupancy and air quality, 500 smart lockers, 20 VC enabled spaces and height-adjustable desks.该设计具有创新性,并结合了智能技术和 229 个传感器来监控入住率和空气质量、500 个智能储物柜、20 个启用 VC 的空间和可调节高度的办公桌。Among the many sustainable elements, there are worktops made from recycled post-industrial plastic, surface finishes made from 60% recycled leather waste and tabletops within the demise made from recycled suit textiles. During the build phase we ensured there was zero waste to landfill, carbon tracking, chain of custody certification, VOC monitoring, and Considerate Constructors certification.在众多可持续元素中,有由回收的后工业塑料制成的台面,由 60% 的回收皮革废料制成的表面饰面,以及由回收的西装纺织品制成的桌面。 在建造阶段,我们确保垃圾填埋场零废物、碳跟踪、产销监管链认证、VOC 监测和 Considerate Constructors 认证。
DesignTétrisPhotographyJonathan Banks
设计 : 俄罗斯方块摄影 : 乔纳森班克斯
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